How are the ‘local’ and ‘tropical’ forests being decimated?

Man is the greatest consumer of forest wealth. Local forests are being decimated in order to get firewood for cooking. The tropical forests are the power-house of evolution. We are losing forests at the rate of an acre and a half in a second. Need for fuel and wood and other building activities has destroyed much of the tropical forests.



What were the important issues that were raised in the First Brandt Commission on ecology and environment?

The Brandt Commission dealt with the questions of ecology and environment. The Commission had a distinguished Indian as one of its members—Mr. L.K. Jha. The Commission warned the world of Green House effect that was making the earth ‘a scorched planet’. It also warned the world that the environment was deteriorating at an alarming rate. ‘Advancing deserts’ and impoverished landscapes’ didn’t augur well for the planet.



What are the earth’s principal biological systems?

There are four principal biological systems of the earth. They are fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands. They form the foundation of the global economic system. They supply us food. They all provide all the raw materials for industry except minerals. Human demands on these systems are increasing to a point where their productivity is impaired.


‘Forests precede mankind; deserts follow’. Explain this statement.

Naturally, forests precede mankind. Forests were in existence much before the coming of man on this planet. It is also true that if forests disappear, deserts will follow. Felling of trees and clearing of forests is converting our grassland and croplands into wastelands and deserts.


What is the cause of the collapse of fisheries?

It is a protein conscious world. People are advised to consume more and more protein. Fish is an important source of protein. So in a protein hungry world, over-fishing is a common practice. Over-fishing has resulted in the collapse of fisheries.

