Define inertia.

The property by virtue of which the body cannot change its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless an external force is acting on the body is called as Inertia. 

When the branches of an apple tree are shaken, the apples fall down. Why?

The apple fall from an apple tree when it shaken because of inertia of rest. Apple is in a state of rest and when the tree is suddenly shaken, apples still tends to remain in it's same state of rest whereas branches move. 

So, the apples fall down. 


State Galileo’s law of motion.

Galileo’s law of motion states that, a body continues to move in the same direction with constant speed, if no force is acting on the body. 

Due to what type of inertia, the spark leaves the grind stone tangentially while sharpening the knife?

When sharpening is done, very tiny pieces on the surface of the grinding wheel get broken down from the wheel. These small stone pieces have a linear velocity in the tangential direction just before breaking off from the stone. After breaking off, they fly off in the tangential direction, as they continue to move in the state of uniform motion with a constant velocity. 

Therefore, inertia of direction is responsible for this phenomenon. 

A person jumping out from a moving car or bus falls forward. Why?

The man falls forward because of inertia of motion. The person is in a state of motion inside the moving bus. When he steps out of the bus, his lower part of the body suddenly comes to rest. But, the upper part of the body still remains in a state of motion. Hence, the person falls forward. 
