Describe in brief unstructured interview.

In an unstructured or non-standardised interview the interviewer has the flexibility to take decisions about the questions to be asked; the wording of the questions, and the sequence in which questions are to be asked. Since responses are not specified in such type of interviews, the respondent can answer the questions in the way he or she chooses to.


Discuss in brief combinations of participants in an interview situation.

An interview may have the following combinations of participants in an interview situations:

(i) Individual to individual: It is a situation where one interviewer interviews another person.

(ii) Individual to group: In this situation, one interviewer interviews a group of persons.

(iii) Group to individual: It is a situation where one group of interviewers interview one person.

(iv) Group to group: It is a situation where one group of interviewers interview another group of interview.


Define and explain “objectivity”.

Objectivity refers to the fact that if two or more researchers administer a psychological test on the same group of people, both of them would come up with more or less the same values for each person in the group. In order for a psychological test to become an objective measure, it is essential that items should be worded in such a manner that they communicate the same meaning to different readers. Also the instructions to the test takers about how to answer the test items should be specified in advance.


Describe advantages and disadvantages of interview method.

Advantages of interview method:

(i) It helps in obtaining in depth information.

(ii) It is flexible and adaptable to individual situations, and can often be used when no other method is possible or adequate.

(iii) It can be used even with children, and non-literate persons.

(iv) An interviewer can know whether the respondent understands the questions, and can repeat or paraphrase questions.


(i) Interview method requires time.

(ii) Often getting information from one person may take an hour or more which may not be cost effective.



Classify psychological test on the basis of language and explain each in brief.

Depending upon the language psychological tests are verbal, non-verbal, and performance tests. Literacy is required for taking verbal tests as the items have to be written in some languages. In non-verbal tests, items are made of symbols or pictures.

