What moderator is used in a nuclear reactor? What makes compulsory the use of a moderator?

Graphite or heavy water is used as moderators in nuclear reactors. When the high speed neutrons collide with the moderator, they lose some of their kinetic energy and get slowed down.

Moderator is used to slow down the speed of neutrons produced because fast moving neutrons cannot cause fission of Uranium-235 effectively.


Indicate in symbols any three isotopes of uranium. Which among these is used for nuclear fission? What is meant by criticality of a nuclear reaction?

(i) Isotopes of Uranium: 92U23592U23792U238.

(ii) 92U235 is used tor nuclear reaction.

(iii) Criticality of a nuclear reaction implies fission process is so controlled that a manageable constant power output is obtained. 


Enumerate the factors that should be counted for choosing source of energy.

The factors that should be counted for choosing source of energy are:

(i) Ease of extracting energy from the source and its transportation. 
(ii) Extracting the source is economical. 
(iii) The efficiency of technology available. 
(iv) The environmental damage caused by using that source. 


Which of the following phenomena may help in the making of more destructive weapon? 
(i) Nuclear fission   (ii)  Nuclear fusion.
Name the weapon. 

The principle of nuclear fusion is used for making destructive weapon.

Manufacturing of hydrogen bomb uses nuclear fusion.

Write the principle of working of hydrogen bomb. How is hydrogen bomb accomplished?

Working of hydrogen bomb

When two light nuclei like hydrogen or it's isotopes combine to form a heavy nucleus undergoing the process of fusion, a tremendous amount of energy is released. Hydrogen bomb is based on thermonuclear fusion reaction. 

The reaction is as follows:

H + 2H → 3He + n + energy 

Degree of temperature and pressure required for the process is really high. The conditions are different.

An atomic bomb based on fission of uranium or plutonium is placed at the core of the hydrogen bomb. When atomic bomb is detonated, the temperature of the substance is raised to 107 K in micro seconds. The high temperature gives sufficient energy for the hydrogen nuclei to fuse and release enormous amount of energy which causes destruction.

