How has the formation of AITUC made the colonial government more cautious in dealing with labour?

(i) The formation of the AITUC made the colonial government more cautious in dealing with labour. It attempted to grant workers some concessions in order to contain unrest.

(ii) In 1922 the government passed the fourth Factories Act which reduced the working day to 10 hours. And in 1926, the Trade Unions Act was passed, which provided for registration of trade unions and proposed some regulations.


Differentiate between reformist and revolutionary movements.

Reformist movement: Reformist social movements strive to change the existing social and political arrangements through gradual, incremental steps.
Revolutionary movement: Revolutionary movement attempt to radically transform social relations, often by capturing state power.


Distinguish between social change and social movement.

Social Movement: Social movements are directed towards the specific goals. These movements involve long and continuous social efforts & action of the people.

Social Change: Its continuous & ongoing. It is the sum total of countless individuals & collective action gathered across time & space.


What are the major issues taken up by the women's movement over time?

Sati, Child Marriage, Ill-treatment of widows, Dowry murders, Representation of women in popular media and the gendered consequences of unequal development, domestic violence, rape, equal wages, agricultural issues, tribal and rural issues are some of the major issues taken up by the women's movement over time.



In What ways do reformist and redemptive movements differ?


Reformist social movements strive to change the existing social and political movements through gradual incremental steps.


A redemptive social movement aims to bring about a change in the personal awareness and actions of its individual members. For example, persons in the Ezhava community in Kerala were led by Narayana Guru to change their social practices.

