What kind of person was the Governor of the prison in ‘Evan Tries an-O-Level?’ Mention any four lapses in his arrangement for Evans’ O-Level exam, that helped Evans escape.


What loopholes in the Governor’s arrangement helped Evans escape from the prison?


Specify a few details about the escape of Evans from the jail.

The Governor of the Oxford Prison was a man of over cautious nature. He was a gullible person. He easily believed anyone. He tries all his best and thereby takes different precautions to avoid Evan’s escape. His over confidence and foolishness proves no match for the wily and crafty Evans. On the examination day, a tight security arrangement was made in his cell. Even the Governor himself was in touch with every activity going on there. Objectionable items like nail-scissors, razer and other items were removed from Evan’s room.

After studying the story we can note than the identity of the German teacher was never verified by any one. Even the identity of the McLerry was not checked while coming and going out of the prison.

At the Golden Lions Hotel, the Governor succeeded in nabbing Evans but the Governor failed to act smartly. He only called the local police and the van. Here the men of Evan’s impersonated as police officers and helped Evan’s escape. The Governor should have asked for his own officials and the van. He left Evans to his fate. And the luck favoured him. Actually the Governor provided him ample opportunities to escape.


What were the precautions taken for the smooth conduct of the examination?


How was it ensured that Evans did not have any weapon in his cell?

In order to meet any eventuality, enough precautions were taken for the smooth conduct of examination. All the sharp instruments like nail-scissors, nail-file and razor, etc. were removed from its cell. The Governor had arranged a microphone in the room of Evans so that he could hear what went between Evans and the invigilator. Senior police officers like Jackson and Stephens were arranged by the Governor to have a strict vigil. He was himself extra cautious about the whole affair and was in touch with every activity going on there. One of the persons from St. Marly Mags was appointed to invigilate the examinee. Thus elaborate arrangements were made for the smooth conduct of the examination. The Governor remained sitting in his office with the receiver to listen to them. Stephens was posted at the door of the cell to peer through the peep hole from time to time. It was well ensured that Evans should not escape from the cell at any cost.



What kind of a person was Evans?

Evans was a ‘jail bird, and the prison officers called him “Evans the Break” since he had escaped from the prison three times. He looked ‘scruffy’ and unshaven. He wore a filthy looking red and white bobble hat on his head. He had a heavy Scottish accent. He was exceptionally cunning. He was a quite pleasant type of personality who used to participate in various functions. He used imitations and was the star of Christmas concerts. He had no record of violence. He was very crafty, strategic and a deceitful type of fellow who very meticulously arranged his escape from the prison.

Tips: -




Will the examination now go as scheduled?

The examination was scheduled to start at 9.15 a.m and elaborate arrangements were made accordingly. It is now 9.18 a.m. and it is clear that the examination has not started so far. McLeery reads out the instructions. It is 9.20 a.m. He tells Evans to write the name of the paper 021-1 in the top left hand comer and index number 313 and centre number 271. Evans objects the presence of Stephens since he would not be able to concentrate in his presence. The Governor orders to go outside. It is now 9.25 and the examination starts. It will go smoothly.


How did the question paper and the correction slip help the prisoner and the Governor?

Evans was a mastermind. Thrice he had escaped from the prison. His appearing in O-level German examination was just a part of his plan. The German teacher was his own man. Evans’ had bound and gagged Mc Leery, a parson from St. Mary in his study. Evans’ man impersonated him. He had come there to provide him with necessary information for his escape. He asked Evans to write his index number - 313 and centre number - 271. The photo copied sheet had been cleverly superimposed over the last page of the question paper. It read “From Enfield way drive to Neugraben”. The six figure reference 313/271 helped Evans to escape. Evans had left the question paper behind. It also helped the Governor in locating Evans in the Middle of Chipping Norton.

There was a correction slip. It was not placed in the exam package. The man who impersonated Me Leery made Evans to make the necessary corrections. It provided the name of the hotel ‘The Golden Lion’ for Evans and the exact time the Exam, started. Evans stayed in the cell. Later on he ran away from the net of the police. The slip helped the Governor in reaching the hotel.

