Is it necessary that an optically denser medium should possess greater mass density than an optically rarer medium?

It is not necessary that an optically denser medium may possess greater mass density than an optically rarer medium.
For example, kerosene or turpentine oil, having higher refractive index, is optically denser than water, although its mass density is less (as oil floats on the surface of water) than that of water.

Does the refractive index for a given pair of media depend on the angle of incidence?

The refractive index for a given pair of media is  independent of the angle of incidence.

What is the physical significance of refractive index?

The refractive index of any medium gives the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in that medium.

For example, the refractive index of water, nw = 1.33.

This means that the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum or air to the speed of light in water is 1.33.



What is meant by relative refractive index of a medium?

Relative refractive index: The relative refractive index of medium 2 with respect to medium 1 is defined as the ratio of speed of light (v1) in medium 1 to the speed of light (v2) in medium 2 and is denoted by n21. Thus
straight n subscript 21 space equals space fraction numerator Speed space of space light space in space first space medium over denominator Speed space of space light space in space second space medium end fraction space equals space straight v subscript 1 over straight v subscript 2
Similarly, the refractive index of medium 1 with respect to medium 2 is denoted by n12. It is given by
straight n subscript 12 space equals space fraction numerator Speed space of space light space in space second space medium over denominator Speed space of space light space in space first space medium end fraction space equals space straight v subscript 2 over straight v subscript 1

Relative refractive index: The relative refractive index of medium 2

Fig. Refraction of light from medium 1 to medium 2


On what factors does the refractive index of medium depend?

The refractive index of a medium is dependent on the following factors: 

(i) Nature of the medium,
(ii) Nature of the surrounding medium,
(iii) Wavelength of light used, and 
(iv) Temperature. 

