Write a note on lymphatic system in human beings stating major functions of lymph.

Lymph: Lymph is a circulatory fluid which also helps in transportation. This is also called tissue fluid. It is formed when some amount of plasma, proteins, inorganic salts and white blood cells pass through the pores present in the walls of capillaries into intercellular spaces in the tissues. The lymph similar to plasma except that tissue fluid is colourless and contains very less proteins.
From intercellular spaces, lymph goes into lymphatic capillaries. Lymphatic capillaries join to form large lymph vessels which finally open into larger veins. Lymph flows only in one direction, that is from tissues to heart through veins.

Arterial capillaries Lymph in the intercellular spaces Lymph capillaries Lymph vessels Larger veins Heart
[Note: Lymphatic system consists of lymph capillaries, lymph vessels, lymph nodes and lymph glands (such as tonsils].
Functions of lymph
(i) Lymph carries digested and absorbed fats from small intestine to different tissues of the body.
(ii) It drains excess fluid from extra cellular space back into the blood.
(iii) Lymph protects tissues/cells from infection.
(iv) It also removes waste products from the body cells to drain into blood.


Describe the urinary system of man.

The urinary system of man is concerned with the excretion of nitrogenous wastes. It consists of:
(a) a pair of kidneys (b) ureters (c) urinary bladder and urethera.
Kidneys are bean shaped and are located in the abdominal region on either sides of vertebral column. From each kidney a tubular structure emerges which is called ureter. The

The urinary system of man is concerned with the excretion of nitrogen
Fig. Excretory system in human beings
ureter travels downwards and open, the sac like structure in the urinary bladder, which stores urine. Besides the two openings of ureters in this bladder it has another opening which opens in the urethera. Urethera forms the passage of urine outside.


What are the elements of xylem which help in transportation of water and minerals in most of flowering plants?

Water and minerals dissolved in it move upto leaves rom roots through the conducting tissues of plants, known as Tracheids and Vessels - the two kinds of elements of xylem (Fig. 6.31). They are non-living and highly thick walled. Tracheids are long, thin, spindle-shaped cells with pits in their thick cell walls. Water flows from one tracheid to another through pits. In flowering plants, both tracheids and vessels, or only vessels, conduct water. Water in some flowering plants rises rapidly at the rate of 10 to 100 cm per minute during the day.

Water and minerals dissolved in it move upto leaves rom roots through
Fig. 6.31. Tracheids and vessels. The non-living conducting tissue are elements of xylem through which water and minerals ascend up the plant from roots.

“Transpiration is a necessary evil.” Comment.

Transpiration is the process by which land plants lose water. Plants absorb large amounts of water and most of it is transpired by the plant. For example, a maize plant loses about 3–4 litres of water per day and a maize field spread over one acre will lose about 85,000 litres of water during its growing reason. Although, plants lose such a huge amount of water by the process of transpiration even then transpiration helps the plant in many ways. It provides a system of transport of water and minerals, cools the plants thus maintaining proper temperature for other physiological activities. Transpiration is actually responsible for the general water management of the plant. It also helps in ripening of fruits.

Transpiration is the process by which land plants lose water. Plants


What are Artificial kidneys? How they work?

Artificial kidneys consists of a number of tubes with semi-permeable lining (selective permeable membrane). These tubes are suspended in a tank filled with dialysing fluid. The dialysing fluid has the same osmotic pressure as blood. This fluid does not contain nitrogenous wastes.
Working: The blood of the patient is passed through dialysing tubes. As blood passes through tubes, the waste products (e.g., urea) from the blood pass into dialysing fluid by diffusion. The purified blood is pumped back into the patient artificial kidney does filtration but no reabsorption, like kidney.

Artificial kidneys consists of a number of tubes with semi-permeable
Fig. Dialysis

