Write the belief of Machiavelli.

Machiavelli believed that ‘all men are bad and ever ready to display their vicious nature partly because of the fact that human desires are insatiable’. 

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State any three effects of the Reformation Movement.

The effects are:

1. Divided the Church into Catholic Church and Protestant Church.

2. The mutual conflict between Catholic and Protestant monarchs led to civil war.

3. Rise to Nation as a State by dissociating from Catholic Church and making National Churches.

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Why did the Renaissance start in Italy? Write three reasons for it.

The reasons are: 

1. The Turks got control over Constantinople in 1453. The scholars were tortured by them. So scholars found themselves safe in Italy.

2. The people of Italy honoured scholars who had settled there.

3. There was freedom of expression in Italy.


Mention the causes of Renaissance.

The causes are: 

1. Crusades. and migration of scholars from Constantinople to Italy.

3. Progress in the field of science, art and literature.

4. Progress of humanism by which more stress began to be laid on individual rather than on the leading persons.

Enumerate the evil practices of the Catholic Church in Medieval Period, that led to the movement against them.

The evil practices:

i. The Catholic remained closely associated with King and power for many centuries.

ii. They preferred to live in luxury and away from the common man.

iii. The Catholics were empowered to extract taxes and fines so they became the representatives of the Kings than the representative of the God.

Such unchallenged powers made them immoral, corrupt and indignified which finally led to revolt by the common man against the Churches.

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