What made the lawyer hate his work? from English The Hack Driver

Why did the lawyer’s opinion about New Mullion change? 

When the lawyer heard that he would go forty miles away from the city to serve a summon, he became happy. He was frustrated with the life of the city and liked that he would get to catch a glimpse of simple country life. In contrast, he found New Mullion disappointing. He disliked its muddy streets and wooden shops. 


What was the lawyer's opinion about Bill Magnuson?


When the lawyer reached New mullion, he only liked meeting Bill Magnuson being disappointed in rest of the things about it. He appeared to be a friendly, helpful and a welcoming person to the lawyer. As soon as, the lawyer told him about Lutkins, he offered to help him immediately. Moreover, he did all the talking himself and saved the lawyer from Lutkin's aggressive mother. So, he made a very good opinion about Bill.


Why was the lawyer happy when he reached New Mullion?

The lawyer was sent to New Mullion, to serve summons on a man called Oliver Lutkins. The lawyer was happy to meet a delivery man at the station who appeared to be very helpful. His name was Bill and he helped him a lot in his search for Oliver Lutkins.



What made the lawyer hate his work?

The lawyer was working as a junior assisstant clerk. He expected that he would be asked to prepare legal briefs. But against his hopes, he had to serve summons like a private cheap detective. He had to go to the dirty and shadowy places and meet criminals. He was even beaten up by some of them. So, he hated his work.



When did Lutkins(disguised as Bill) plan to befool the lawyer?

When the lawyer met Bill at the station and asked him about Lutkins, he thought of befooling the lawyer and immediately came up with a plan. At the same moment, he offered him help to search Lutkins.He decided to make him the laughing stock of the whole village. 

