Explain the meaning of following terms :(a) Cultural Evolutionis
What is meant by following terms:

(a) Norms (b) Values (c) Culture Pattern (d) Monocultural (e) Personality.

(a) Norms : The norms are the rules of behaviour approved by society.

(b) Values : The values refer to what ought and what ought not to be done.

(c) Cultrue Pattern : A typical type of culture or specific type of culture.

(d) Monocultural : Some type of culture or one type of culture.

(e) Personality : It refers to that totality of a person which consists of biological constitution, attitudes, values, views, habits and behaviour patterns.


What is meant by the following words/terms :

(a) Self image (b) Social Roles

(c) Socialisation (d) Subculture

(a) Self Image : An image of a person as reflected in the eyes of others.

(b) Social Roles : There are rights and responsibilities associated with a person’s social position or status.

(c) Socialisation : This is the process by which we learn to become members of society.

(d) Subculture : It marks a group of people within a larger culture who borrow from and often distort, exaggerate or invert the symbols, values and beliefs of the larger culture to distinguish themselves.


Write in short the meaning of following terms:

(i) Social Group (ii) States and Role

(iii) Igloo (iv) Sledges (v) Culture Change

(i) Social Group : In terms of culture

social groups are the carriers of culture and work as the main agent to provide training to human individuals to develop their personality.

(ii) Status and Role : Status is a position occupied by a person, in a family or kinship group or in a office in an social system relative to other. Each status is accompanid by specific role which the person who occupies the status is expected to perform.

(iii) Igloo : The Eskimos make snow houses called ‘Igloo’.

(iv) Sledges : Wheeless cart used by the Eskismos for transportation when snow is hard.

(v) Cultural Change : Norms and values undergo change over time. Certian external conditions in the contemporary society have given impetus to this change. These conditions are industrialization, urbanization, global network of television and computer, all of which have expanded enormously in the last few decades.


Explain the meaning of the following terms/words :

(i) Culture (ii) Culture traits (iii) Culture complex.

(i) Culture : Culture is a mode of behaviour and also a way of life. It consists of arious units called cultre traits.

(ii) Culture traits : Culture traits are the individual acts and objects, which constitute the expression of a culture.

(iii) Culture Complex : Culture complex an organisation or institution consists of more than one such cultural units or traits and the configuration of these simple units is called a ‘culture complex.’



Explain the meaning of following terms :

(a) Cultural Evolutionism

(b) Estates System

(c) Great Tradition

(d) Little Tradition

(a) Cultural Evolutionism : It is a

therory of culture, which argues that just like natural species, culture also evalues through variation and natural selection.

(b) Estate System : This was a system in feudal Europe of ranking according to occupation. The three estate were the nobility, clergy and the ‘third estate’. The last were chiefly professional and middle class people. Each estate elected its own representations. Peasants and labourers did not have the vote.

(c) Great Tradition : It comprises of the cultural traits or traditions which are written and widely accepted by the elites of a society who are educated and learned.

(d) Little Tradition : It comprises of the cultural traits or traditions which are oral and operates at the village level.

