Why do you think the servants thought Gandhi to be another peasant?
From Calcutta both, Gandhi and Rajkumar Shukla reached the city of Patna. He led Gandhi to the house of a lawyer, Rajendra Prasad . He was out of town. His servants knew Shukla as a poor sharecropper from Champaran who troubled Prasad to take up the cause of indigo. Gandhi went there with Shukla for the first time. So they took him to be another peasant. The servants allowed both of them to stay on the ground.
Strike out what is not true in the following:
(a) Rajkumar Shukla was:
(i) a share-cropper (ii) a politician
(iii) delegate (iv) a landlord
a politician, delegate and a landlord.
Why is Rajkumar Shukla described as being ‘resolute’?
Raj kumar Shukla is described as being ‘Resolute’ because he was fully determined to take Gandhi to Bihar. Being an illiterate and poor share-cropper from Champaran, he had come to apprise and complain Gandhi about the injustice of the land lord system in Bihar. He met-Gandhi in Lucknow session of the Congress. He was too committed to accompany Gandhi everywhere. Gandhi was very much impressed by his tenacity and fixed time for Calcutta. Months passed in waiting, Shukla was sitting on his haunches at the fixed place in Calcutta, till Gandhi was free. Finally both boarded a train to Patna.
List the places that Gandhi visited between his first meeting with Shukla and his arrival at Champaran.
Shukla called on Gandhi at Lucknow. Then Gandhi had an appointment in Cawnpore and was committed to go to the other parts of India. When Gandhi returned to his Ashram in Sevagram at Ahmedabad, Shukla followed him. Then, Gandhi went to Calcutta Shukla was sitting on his haunches at the appointed date. When Gandhi was free, both boarded a train to the city of Patna in Bihar. Then Gandhi went to Muzzafarpur enroute to Champaran from there he went to Motihari and the nearby village. Finally he returned to Champaran.