List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem. from English A
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List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem.

John Keats is a poet of nature. He sees beauty in all the natural objects since a thing of beauty is a joy for ever. According to him every thing of nature is a source of beauty. In the poem we can see, the sun, the moon, the trees, daffodils, green forests, clear rills, masses of ferns, blooming musk-rose and lovely tales, etc. These beautiful sources provide pleasure and joy to the mankind.



What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?

There are several things that bring troubles and sufferings which in turn depress our spirits. But our nature has blessed us with beauty that alone makes our life happy. It removes the pall of sadness, darkness and dearth. It offers us sweetness, loveliness and pleasures. The beautiful objects of nature pour endless nectar over our spirits to do away with sufferings and troubles. So human beings love life.


What does the line ‘Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth’ suggest to you?

We know that this world is not a happy planet to stay on. From birth to death, it is full of suffering and pain. These things depress our spirits. But God has provided us several things of beauty that pour love and happiness to our depressed feelings. These objects of beauty are like a flowery band that keep us bound to the earth.


Why is grandeur associated with the mighty dead?

The words ‘mighty dead¹ refer to those brave and magnificent people who have brought laurels during their life time. They remained powerful and their achievement made them great and mighty. Their work of excellence will remain echoing in the air for ever. Now these mighty dead fore-fathers lie burried in their graves. On the day of judgement, they will be rewarded by God for their noble deeds. It is this dignity which is associated with great souls.


List the things that cause suffering and pain.

Jealousy, despondence, lack of human qualities, gloomy days, unhealthy and evil ways give birth to may troubles. They cause suffering and pain by depressing our spirits.

