Sophie lives in a world full of dreams which she does not know she cannot realise. Comment.
Sophie is a school going girl. She lives in a dreamy world which has distant relation with the harsh realities of life. She dreams of big and beautiful things beyond her reach or her means. She thinks of having a boutique. Then she entertains the idea of being an actress. She can be a fashion designer too. Here she is poles apart from her classmate and friend Jansie. Jansie is realistic and practical. She knows that both of them have been earmarked for the biscuit factory.
Sophie's romantic and dreamy disposition leads her to hero-worship. The hero of her dreams is the young Irish wonder-footballer Danny Casey. She has developed a romantic fascination for him. Even Geoff cautions her that Casey is a celebrity. Many girls like her must run after him. But she is an incurable dreamer. She thinks of him all the time. She sits for hours imagining Danny Casey coming to her. She knows that he will never come. She becomes sad but helpless. She lives with all her dreams and disappointments. They are not real. They are all the creations of her mind.
Sophie lives in a world full of dreams which she does not know she cannot realize. Comment.
The chapter Going Places begins with Sophie telling Julie that one day she would have a boutique or be an actress. If she ever becomes as actress, she would have the boutique on the side as actresses don’t work full time. This clearly shows that Sophie loves living in a world of dreams. Perhaps we can take these dreams as being achievable ones. But her fantasy about the football player Danny Casey shows us that she lives completely lost in her world of fantasy. She strongly believes that she has met Danny Casey despite people not believing in her words. She is so deeply lost in her world of dreams that she does not even doubt her capability of achieving them. Towards the end of the chapter, we see her imagination getting a boost when she sees Danny Casey crisply striking the ball into the goal.
Compare and contrast Sophie and Jansie highlighting their temperament and aspirations.
Jansie was a realist who guided Sophie when she was on the wings of her fantasies. Her practical bent of mind made her stand apart from the dream world of Sophie. Though Jansie and Sophie were of the same age-group but Jansie helped Sophie to manage her life sensibly. She made her realize that money was the deciding factor when one dreamt really big. She advised her to forget aspiring high if she was not determined to fulfil it. She was indeed a sincere friend who wished her to accept reality and walk into the biscuit factory. On the other hand, Sophie dreamt of becoming either an actress or a fashion designer. Her dream meetings with Danny Casey leave her shattered but fortunately, the members of her family help her to come out of the gloom.
Why did Sophie long for her brother's affection?
Sophie liked her brother more than any other person in the world. She could open her heart to him. She knew that Geoff was a person who could share her dreams. She had a strong faith in him. To her, he was an ideal man. Hence, she longed for his affection.
Sophie was jealous of Geoff's silence because she thought that he had access to an unknown world, of which she too wanted to be a part. For Sophie, Geoff symbolized liberty from the monotonous and colorless life they had been living.