Match column I with column II from Biology Chemical Coordinatio

Match column I with column II
A. Smooth muscle (i) Myoglobin
B. Tropomyosin  (ii) Thin filament
C.  Red muscle (iii) Sutures
D. Skull  (iv) Involuntary


Smooth muscle


Thin filament






 Red muscle







 Explain the types of hormones depending upon their origin.

On the basis of their chemical nature, hormones are divided into four groups  :

1. Amino acid derivatives : These hormones are formed from amino acids e.g. epinephrine, norepinephrine etc.

2. Peptide derivatives : These are of derived from peptide, polypeptide and proteins e.g. insulin, glucagon, pituitary, hypothalamic hormones etc

3. Iodothryonines derivatives : e.g. thyroid hormones.

4. Steroid hormones : These are derived from steroids just as cholesterol e.g. testosterone, progestrone etc.


Write a note on thyroid gland.

Thyroid gland :

Location : It is present in the neck. Thyroid gland is the largest endocrine gland. It is bilobed and both the lobes are connected by isthmus.

Structure: The thyroid gland is a lobular structure having two lobes. The lobes are connected by a thin flap like connective tissue called isthumus. The thyroid gland has two types of cells called follicular cells and stromal tissues. 

Hormones synthesized : The thyroid glands release two hormones which are tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3

Functions of the hormones:

1. The thyroid hormones  play an important role in the regulation of metabolic rate.

2. they support the rate of red blood cell formation.

3. They control the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. 

4. They maintain water and electrolyte balance in the body. 

5. They regulate the blood calcium levels.


Discussname the hprmones secreted by  gasto instentinal tract.

Four major peptides hormone are secreted by the endocrine cells present in the gastro-intestinal tract :

It secretes the following hormones :

1. Gastrin : This hormone acts on the gastric gland and stimulate them to secrete hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen. 

2. Secretin : It acts on the exocrine pancreas and stimulates secretion of water and bicarbonates.

3. Cholecystokinin (CCK) : It stimulates gall bladder to release bile and stimulates pancreas to secrete pancreatic juice.

4. Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) - inhibts gastric secretion and motility.


Write the cause, symptoms of Grave’s disease, iodine deficiency goitre, cretinism and myxoedema .

1. Grave's Disease or Exophthalmic Goitre:

Cause : It is caused due to the excessive secretion of thyroxine.

Symptoms :

The disease is characterised by increased rate of metabolism, bulging of eyeballs, increased blood pressure and excessive perspiration.

2. Iodine Deficiency Goitre :

Cause : It is caused due to the lack of iodine in food.

Symptoms : It causes enlargement of thyroid gland. It occurs mostly to the people of hilly areas.

3. Cretinism :

Cause : It is caused due to hyposecretion of thyroxine in children.

Symptoms :

The person suffering from cretinism shows
stunted growth, mental retardation and low blood pressure.

4. Myxoedema :

Cause : It is caused due to the hyposecretion of thyroxine in adults.

Symptoms :

The affected person shows low metabolic rate, body temperature, mental retardationand weakness. 


