Describe chemical weathering. from Geography Geomorphic Process

Describe chemical weathering.

Chemical weathering:

(i) The decomposition of rocks by chemical process is called chemical weathering.

(ii) Chemical weathering results from the action of weak acids and gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen.

(iii) Chemical weathering produces a chemical change in the minerals of rocks. High temperatures and humidity cause the rocks to decompose.

Describe the contribution of animals in biological weathering.

The break down of rocks and minerals by plants, animals and as bacteria as well is called biological weathering.

(i) The main contribution by animals to weathering seems to be repeated missing of soil material thus bringing fresh material into exposure to weathering agents.

(ii) Snails are common in limestone rich areas and make deep holes in limestone. Bird droppings may provide organic matter for the start of soil formation and weathering.

(iii) Grazing by large animals uncovers the soil thus increasing surface run-off and soil-erosion.

Distinguish between :

Soil and Rock.



1. Soil is formed due to erosion and weathering of rocks. Hence, it is an unconsolidated rock material.

2. Soil has layers which have different physical, chemical and biological properties.

3. Soils are the sources of food and moisture for plants.

1. A rock is naturally occurring mass of solid materials. It is composed of inorganic or organic material.

2. Rock does not have layers.

3. It is not the source of food and moisture for plants.


 Distinguish between :

Earth flow and Mud flow.

Earth flow

Mud flow

In hilly and mountainous regions of humid climates, water saturated soil and regolith rich in clay matters takes the form of an earth flow. Earth flow is a form of mass wasting in which behaviour of the earth material is that of a plastic solid. Solifluction is an Arctic variety of earth flow in the treeless tundra.

Mass wasting takes the form of mud flow if proportion of water to mineral matter is large. It travels fast down the channels of stream. Mud flow also originate high in mountains where melting winter snows pick up weathered rocks rich in clay.


What are the activating causes precede mass movements ?

Several activating causes precede mass movements. They are :

1. removal of support from below to materials above through natural or artificial means

2. increase in gradient and height of slopes

3.overloadingthrough addition of materials naturally or by artificial filling

4.overloading due to heavy rainfall

5.removal of material or load from over the original slope surfaces

6.occurrence of earthquakes or explosions.

7. excessive natural seepage

8.heavy drawdown of water from lakes, reservoirs and rivers leading to slow outflow of water from under the slopes or river banks

9. indiscriminate and thoughtless removal of natural vegetation.
