Explain any five major problems of rural settlements in the deve

Explain any five major problems of rural settlements in the developing countries of the world.

Problems of rural settlements in the developing countries:

(i) Rural settlements in the developing countries are large in number and poorly equipped with infrastructure.

(ii) Supply of water to rural settlements in developing countries is not adequate. People in villages, particularly in mountainous and arid areas have to walk long distances to fetch drinking water.

(iii) The general absence of toilet and garbage disposal facilities cause health related problems.

(iv) The design and use of building materials of houses vary from one ecological region to another. The houses made up of mud, wood and thatch, remain susceptible to damage during heavy rains and floods, and require proper maintenance every year.

(v) Unmetalled roads and lack of modern communication network creates a unique problem.



What two factors mostly helped in the development of ancient towns in India ?

Factors mostly helped in the development of ancient towns in India:


(ii) Culture


On the given political outline map of India, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols:

(i)The state having the highest percentage of population below the poverty line.

(ii) The software technology park in Uttarakhand.

(iii) The State leading in coffee production.

(iv) An oil refinery in Bihar.

(v) The largest metropolitan city of India (2001)


Mention any two characteristics of sub-urbanisation.

Characteristics of sub-urbanisation :

(i) People move away from congested urban areas to cleaner areas outside the city in search of better quality of living.

(ii) Everyday thousands of people commute from their homes in the suburbs to their workplaces in the city .


Which form of rural settlement pattern develops along roads, railway-lines, rivers and canals in the world ?

Linear pattern.

